User Interaction

In this section, a brief description of the handling of the geometry visualizing and browsing facilities is given. More features can be found in the next two sections, Menu functions and options and Command line options.

Once you have started the 'lv' tool, some time is required to load the data that is in the STEP file. The time required is mainly a function of the file size. Watch the command window where you started the 'lv' tool from for messages on progress and unusual problems (like syntax errors in the STEP file etc.).

Next, a window appears. Roughly 2/3 of its area are made up of the geometry display (left), which shows a representation of the geometry in the file. The right part of the window contains a text section.

Figure 1. 'lv''s main window with geometry display and text section

Text Section (right-hand), Part 1

By default, the text section will display the logfile of the checks performed. Its contents depends on the amount of checking that was selected (see Messages section).

Four buttons on top of the text section can switch it to show alternate contents:

Figure 2. Buttons to control contents of text section

As described further below, 'lv' will use the displayed text as a vehicle for browsing through the geometry. Hence the "STEPfile" mode is useful to perform analysis on the file contents itself (not chosen by default so that loading of huge STEP files can be avoided under low- memory conditions).

The "Logfile" mode makes it easy to determine the location of errors that are reported. This is also the prime purpose of the "Other" mode: It is possible to load the output of other STEP checking tools or STEP translators and locate the errors reported therein.

The "Schema" mode can be used to find the definition of the entity types that are the base of instances which are interactively selected.

Additional features for browsing through the text section are described at the end of this section, because their usage context can be understood easier after the other interaction basics have been explained.

Geometry Display (left-hand)

The geometry display initially shows a view of the geometry data contained in the file in the -z direction. By default, the geometry is shown in tones of black/grey on a white background.

Status display

Below the geometry display, the current status gets displayed.

Figure 3. Status display below the geometry display

The status display will show the following five key parameters:

After all preprogrammed processing steps have been completed, the progress indicator bar below the status display and the display for the current instance will be removed, and "idle" will be displayed as the current task.

Figure 4. Status display after processing has been completed


The display shows some "decorations":

Base view manipulations

The view's scale, rotation and placement can be manipulated in a number of ways. When holding down the Ctrl key, movements of the mouse pointer in conjunction with one of the mouse buttons have the following effect:


If neither Ctrl key nor mouse buttons are pressed, 'lv' will automatically highlight the topologic or geometric instances that are below the mouse pointer. These are drawn in red color, and a tag is displayed that identifies the instance. The tag consists of a type code and the actual instance name.
A list of the type codes used can be found at the end of this section.

For the highlighted instance, the coordinates that are under the mouse pointer are displayed. Depending on the product, the following coordinate values are displayed:

Coordinate value display can, however, be turned off as described in the section about Menu functions.

Furthermore, if the option Show vectors is selected (see following section), 'lv' draws a vector, using blue color (= decoration color), that shows:

The tip of the vector is drawn in blue if the vector points away from you, and in red if it points towards you.

Note: This feature is also useful to determine the exact location of any displayed coordinates, see above: The base of the vector shows the spot which was captured by the mouse pointer.

Whenever, due to the current perspective, several instances overlap under the pointer's position, the instance that is closest to the viewer gets highlighted. This feature can be used to determine the relative position of the instances. For example, to find out which one of two overlapping faces is in front, one can set the mouse pointer to an intersection of their isoparametric lines (drawn grey) to see which is the closest one.

Actions on highlighted instances

If an instance is highlighted (= drawn in red), clicking the mouse buttons has the following effects:

Marking instances

Marking occurs to items that the text section's cursor is positioned onto.

The text section's cursor can be positioned in a variety of ways, including

In "Logfile", "STEPfile", and "Other" mode, whenever the text section's cursor is placed on an instance name, the corresponding topology and/or geometry instances in the display are marked - that is, they are drawn in green, and the instance is tagged. Marking always occurs to the instance itself and all dependent instances (e.g. mark a presentation_layer_assignment -> all items in that layer are drawn in green). Whenever an instance gets marked that is not visualized by itself but takes part in the definition of some visualized instance(s), the next available instance that is visualized will be marked in the display. The tag, however, will indicate the name and type of the marked instance (Example: name of a cartesian_point that is used as a control point of a b_spline_surface is under the text cursor -> b_spline_surface gets marked in the display.
Note: The tag, in this case, does *not* indicate the cartesian_point's location)

The text section's cursor jumps to the position where the instance name is followed by a '=', if any. In this situation, switching the text section to "Schema" mode will show you the definition of the instance's type.

This feature can be used to easily identify problem geometries ("Logfile"/"Other" mode), or to browse through a STEP file ("STEPfile" mode).

In "Schema" mode, all occurrencies of the text string under the text section's cursor are drawn in reverse video. If this string is a valid entity, type or function name, the text section scrolls to the position where the item is defined. Furthermore, if the string is an entity name, all instances of that type are marked in the display. The tag will denote the entity type that is marked. In this situation, when switching to "STEPfile" mode, all occurrencies of that entity name are drawn in reverse video (=all instances).
Use this feature to find instances of a specific type.

Suppress elements from graphic display

In the normal, 3D mode, it is possible to suppress elements temporarily from the graphic representation. Whenever geometry instances are marked (see above), pressing the F1 key will suppress all unmarked instances. The suppressed graphical elements will remain invisible until the F2 key is pressed, which resumes the display of all elements. Or, mark some other instances and press the F1 key once more: this will again make everything disappear, except for the now marked instances.

Text Section (right-hand), Part 2

This second part of the text section description now explains the remaining possibilities to position the text section's cursor.

Under the text section, you can see a text field which has "<<" and ">>" buttons to its sides, and to the right, two buttons labelled "Recent" and "Future". If a string (like an instance name or an entity name) is highlighted, the text section's cursor is usually positioned on the occurrence of the string that provides a definition.

Figure 6. Additional elements under the text section for searching and history management

When the text field is empty, you can use the "<<" and ">>" buttons to position the text cursor to the previous ("<<") or next (">>") occurrencies of the selected string, with the text section getting scrolled if required.

For example, in "STEPfile" mode, this is a convenient way to find instances that reference the selected instance. If you type a string into the text field, the "<<" and ">>" buttons will search for this string within the text section in the given direction, and position the text section's cursor accordingly. This can be used, for example, as a means to find a specific type of instance quickly.

Search always wraps around if the begin ("<<") or end (">>") of the text section are reached.

Once you have selected a number of instance names, for example, you might want to go back to one of the instances you selected earlier. Clicking on the "Recent" button will re-select the previous selection. As long as you do not select another string manually, you can also move forward to the newer selections again, using the "Future" button. These two buttons are only clickable if appropriate selections are buffered.
'lv' maintains two independent selection buffers: One for "Logfile"/"STEPfile"/"Other" mode, and one for the "Schema" mode.

For "Logfile", "STEPfile", or "Other" mode:

If the line in the text that contains the text section's cursor contains one or two 3D coordinates (syntax should be "('val','val','val')" ) then these coordinates are marked in the display by a cross ("x"). If there are two such coordinate values within the same line, they are connected in the display.

This feature is useful to find a graphical representation of the errors reported (e.g., vertex off edge).
(Note: It can also be used to see locations of instances like cartesian_points used as control points of a b-spline, provided that

  1. the product is defined in a mm (millimetre) context, and
  2. the point's coordinates are printed on a single line of text, without a line wrap.
Alternatively, the "Describe base geometry" option can be used to locate control points.)

Figure 7. Example shows a marked and tagged instance. Note the indication of coordinates ("x"es)

A Note On Colors

All the colors mentioned above (background, marks, etc) are the default colors. In case a STEP file defines its own colors, 'lv' might automatically use different colors (for background, marks, etc) in order to guarantee that everything is visible (i.e., avoid drawing white geometry on white background etc.).

If a STEP file contains such styling information, then geometry instances for which no styling is defined would have to be invisible according to part 46. Instead, 'lv' will make them blink (default, see Menu functions and options).

It is also possible to configure the default colors that 'lv' uses. This can be done using the -c option (see Command line options) or by storing a default configuration file in 'lv'`s base directory.

Type codes used in tagging geometry

As a reference, here is a list of the type codes 'lv' uses when tagging geometry in the display, together with their meaning:

Code STEP entity name
ABS advanced_brep_shape_representation
B b_spline_curve
BC boundary_curve
BS b_spline_surface
BV brep_with_voids
C curve
CBS curve_bounded_surface
CC composite_curve
CCS composite_curve_segment
CFS connected_face_set
CI circle
CO conical_surface
COP cartesian_transformation_operator
CP cartesian_point
CR curve_replica
CSH closed_shell
CY cylindrical_surface
DIR direction
DT degenerate_toroidal_surface
E edge_curve
EL ellipse
F advanced_face
FB face_bound
FBR faceted_brep
FOB face_outer_bound
FS face_surface
FSH faceted_brep_shape_representation
GBS geometrically_bounded_surface_shape_representation
GBW geometrically_bounded_wireframe_shape_representation
GCS geometric_curve_set
GR group
GRA group_assignment
GS geometric_set
H hyperbola
L edge_loop
LAY presentation_layer_assignment
LN line
M manifold_solid_brep
MI mapped_item
MSS manifold_surface_shape_representation
OBC outer_boundary_curve
OC offset_curve_2d/3d
OCS oriented_closed_shell
OE oriented_edge
OF oriented_face
OOS oriented_open_shell
OS offset_surface
OSH open_shell
PB parabola
PC pcurve
PD product_definition
PDF product_definition_formation
PDS product_definition_shape
PL plane
PLP poly_loop
PM placement
PO polyline
PROD product
RC rectangular_composite_surface
RT rectangular_trimmed_surface
S surface
SBS shell_based_surface_model
SC surface_curve
SDR shape_definition_representation
SHR shape_representation
SI styled_item
SL surface_of_linear_extrusion
SP spherical_surface
SR surface_of_revolution
T toroidal_surface
TC trimmed_curve
V vertex_point
VEC vector
VL vertex_loop

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This page last updated: 1998/10/02